Lenormand fortune telling cards

By Roopa Patel July 30, 2024

The new craze in Europe…Lenormand fortune telling cards!

Lenormand fortune telling cards were created by Mademoiselle Lenormand in 18 century France. They have become very popular because unlike Tarot they are not rooted in the spiritual or the occult. There are 36 cards in most Lenormand decks and they deal with realities of everyday life. They provide direct answers to situations in this material world. If you are stressed and anxious about something material, you can get quick answers that are precise and practical. Their symbols are also from everyday life like a Mountain, Garden, Book, Rider, etc.

Mademoiselle Lenormand who created these cards was the most famous clairvoyant of her times. She led an unusual and tumultuous life. Rebellious and bold, she was a fey child who made predictions that came true. And she was punished for them.

In Paris she heard of Etteilli Tarot cards but could not afford them. So, she started predicting with her playing cards and other materials like eggs, water, lamp, mirrors and coffee grounds. She was led to various alleyways of divination early in life, and met leading necromancers, magicians, Kabala practitioners, Tarot card readers, Cartomancers of the times. She wrote several books and made future predictions that were all correct.

She predicted World War I, space travel and air travel way ahead of their happening. She also predicted the French Revolution, fall of Louis the XVI, the beheading of Queen Marie Antoinette, rise of Napoleon, his marriage and his downfall.

She became a household name in France and UK. And ruled the salons and courts of both the countries. Imprisoned several times she dabbled in controversies until the very end.

Dr. Roopa Patel is a well-known Tarot consultant. She was the among the first to start Tarot in India. For consultation, please email to: roopapatel121@gmail.com, roopa.bhardwaj@hotmail.com

Aries Aries

Aries You have drawn card number 8 Coffin and card number 19 Tower. The card of Coffin indicates an ending. A phase of your life is coming to an end. The Tower indicates the past and a bit of isolation. Together the cards suggests that something from your past, which has been there for some time now, is coming to an end. You will be free from a long-term issue or a problem. It could mean a new job or a new role in an existing job. In relationships, it could indicate an ending. You need to look after your health. A hospital visit can come about. In all cases, it is time to take things easy and allow things to settle.

Taurus Taurus

Taurus You have drawn card number 1 Rider and card number 7 Snake. Rider is a card of news, change, and movement. The Snake is unreliable and a negative card. Together they mean some disappointing news may come to you in this quarter. Avoid trusting people and do not share your secrets with anyone. You will need an indirect approach to reach your objective. Be tactful and patient and bide your time. Lie low this quarter.

Gemini Gemini

Gemini You have drawn card number 3 Ship and card number 20 Garden. Ship is a card of change and travel. This might be a time to take a break. The Garden represents new people that you might meet. It could mean spending happy time socialising, partying, and attending events. Not a good time to take serious decisions about anything. Just flow along and wait for a more appropriate time for action.

Cancer Cancer

Cancer You have drawn card number 10 Scythe and 22 Road. Both these cards show a change of direction. The Scythe indicates sudden change and the Road suggests a crossroad that can bring new opportunity and new thinking. If you are in a relationship, there could be a break-up followed by a new mindset. You could follow a different path. If you are in a job, you might leave it for doing something different. In both cases, the best course of action is to be careful and take decisions after a lot of deliberation and consultation with trusted people.

Leo Leo

LeoYou have drawn card number 5 Tree and card number 9 flowers. Both are positive cards and indicate stability in your life. The Tree is also about robust health, deep family roots, and good relationships. The card of flowers is about creativity and fun and renewal. You could spend some quality time with your family and feel happy and contented. Job-wise things are stable and your creativity might bring you some accolades.

Virgo Virgo

Virgo Excellent quarter for you, Virgo. You have drawn card number 13 Child and card number 2 Clover. Both are lovely cards. The card of the Child suggests a new beginning so whatever you might be going through is bound to end and a fresh new beginning is in store. Something exciting is waiting round the corner. The Clover is one of the brightest cards in the deck. It is a card of good luck and healing, resolution and peace. So, enjoy this quarter.

Libra Libra

Libra You have drawn card number 27 Letter and card number 4 House. There could be some communication, documentation regarding a house. It could be selling, buying or renting a house. That will be centerstage for you this quarter. The house also indicates security. So, you could be secure in your surroundings. On the work front, there could be new developments that could benefit you. You could take some time off to be at home and enjoy the comfort and security of your home and family.

Scorpio Scorpio

Scorpio You have drawn card number 32 Moon and card number 14 Fox. The Moon represents an offer or an invitation and the Fox suggests something that is not overboard or straightforward. It is best that such an offer is refused as it is not in your best interest. Usually, this combination refers to a work situation and the offer can be a job or a partnership. A new project can be offered. All this may seem very tempting on the surface but beneath the surface there are major problems. Please explore the situation carefully before going ahead.

Sagittarius Sagittarius

Sagittarius You have drawn card number 23 Mouse and card number 25 Ring. The Mouse represents loss or depletion and along with the Ring suggests a promise that is broken. At work what you have been promised may not come through and your company can go back on its word. In a relationship, be careful that you are not taken for a ride. This is the time to be cautious and keep your cards close to your chest.

capricorn Capricorn

Capricorn You have drawn card number 18 Dog and card number 35 Anchor. The card of the Dog represents a good reliable friend who is supportive. This quarter you will gain from friendship and your friends will rally round you. Anchor suggests stability and reliability. You can depend on your friends and trust them to help you in many ways. It also indicates that you need to build good and reliable friendships to resolve whatever issues you might have.

Aquarius Aquarius

Aquarius You have drawn card number 36 Cross and card number 28 Man. The Cross is a challenging card. If you are a man, then you or someone close to you could be going through challenges and needs to be supported. No risk should be taken in this quarter. The Cross is also a card of repentance and undoing the wrong that you might have done. It is a good time to introspect, mend fences, and resolve issues.

Pisces Pisces

Pisces You have drawn card number 15 Bear and card number 11 Whip. Together these cards indicate a problem that needs to be resolved peacefully. At the workplace, there could be a problem with a senior manager who is not cooperating. It could mean confrontation that is best avoided. The need is to be tactful and sidestep any issue that comes up. Understand and handle your emotions with care.

The forecasts are the interpretation of an independent Reader until the end of September 2024.
HDFC Bank is in no way associated with Tarot readings.